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Blog 2 - Zachary Jensen

In today's world the fitness industry is a multi billion dollar industry that not only effects how we work out and try to get in shape, But how we see genders and gender rolls. I have chosen yoga pants as my cultural artifact. The have existed for years and have been part of fitness for a long time, yet modern day yoga pants push the gender rolls and stereotypes to a whole other level.

I chose this example because I am working in the fitness industry and was surrounded by fitness people from this work. The people who created this were fashion designers and marketers. They try with billions of marketing dollars to show that yoga pants are worn by fit sexy women who are health contentious. The format in which this content is delivered is through this marketing, are presented to everyone who even thinks about getting in shape. They hug women's legs and butts to make them on display for the world. Women who are getting into fitness are instantly shaped from this marketing, as it implies that they should look this way, though they are just starting out and most quit. The audience Is everyone in the fitness industry making things even worst. Men who see women portrayed like  this try to go for them over women who don't fit the model, and this makes things worst for women. The content is again pushing the fact that women need to look a certain way to be in shape and attractive. This causes huge problems for women vision of themselves and how they think society views them.  Content like women running who are full of makeup and brushed with light filters do not portray a positive construct for women and of course is created in the male image. The purpose these becomes very clear. Yoga pants are just there to shame women who don't fit the model of the "ideal fitness girl" and make them try to become "in shape". This will make them spend money on cloths , workout plans , food and supplements to become like the girls who are marketed to them in order to gain men's approval. But that will never happen since these women are not real, causing them to fall into a trap of spending lots of money to especially obtain a goal that is not possible. It is a social trap that is only here to make money. 


  1. Hi Zachary, I totally agree with you. Yoga pants are worn by sexy fit women and so when women that are not fit buy them and put them on they feel less about themselves because they do not look like the model, they put these models because they are basically trying to send a message to women telling them that this is how they should look and the yoga pants do hug the women's legs and butts to show to the world.

  2. I agree how Yoga pants can cause appearance issues for women. The models who are fearing the Yoga pants are very slim. However, they still have a shapely figure to them. The view should keep in mind that most likely the photo has been altered to have such a body. Of course, this is a money making industry to gives false advertisement. I believe the designer of the product should emphasize on getting health. The customer should not be judged on how they look when wearing the product. They should have a photo of women in all different shapes and sizes. I also believe they should show different ethnic groups because not all women have the same bodies types.

  3. Hello Zachary,
    Relating back to your blog about yoga pants a lot of it I believe has to do with consumerism and looks. I do agree majority of women who represent a sports company wearing yoga pants, usually the women being presented in the image is a fit pretty women. Which makes women who do not fit the ideal image feel insecure about their bodies because they picture themselves as in not being “in shape”. The fitness industry portray these women with loving fitness and making the audience believe as if they do it everyday, when women who are not in shape attempt to love fitness but its difficult for them and quit. Fitness does not always revolve around making meal plans, wearing specific brands to work out, and buying protein. I do agree with you in making fitness focus on our health and not looks. Society itself makes women feel insecure and buy advertising fit women all the time is not going to help women out. Women are all shapes and sizes and by wearing a certain piece of clothing should not be judged by others in the form we wear it. We are just used to judging because we believe fitness is always about looks and getting more toned and having muscles.

    Great post,
    Kasandra Trujillo

  4. Hello Zachary,
    I also agree with you on this. I, myself, am very into fitness and see ads for yoga pants and leggings all around as they are the "ideal" thing to wear for a fitness woman. But never are woman of other body types shown wearing these yoga pants. It is "fit and toned" woman who are being shown wearing this product, almost as if it is trying to send a message to woman that they have to achieve this look to wear the product. I do wear yoga pants as I also do wear loose sweats. I don't believe you have to look a certain way in order to look good in something. But unfortunately thats not the way society makes it seem for women. They push a certain image of an ideal woman so that women can consume or purchase their product.

  5. Hi Zachary, I taught it was very interesting to read about your analysis on yoga pants. The images that they use to advertise products are always a small percentage of what women's body actually looks like. As a consumer, I always looks at the pictures and products and the person who is presenting them in the advertisement because that is the result I want when I purchase the product. However, I become more aware of what is real and what is only used for business.


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